2023 K-Food Fair in New York 운영용역 공고(Bid Notice for Operation of 2023 K-Food Fair in New York )

2023 K-Food Fair in New York 운영용역 공고(Bid Notice for Operation of 2023 K-Food Fair in New York )

❍ 용 역 명 : 2023 K-Food Fair in New York 운영
❍ 계약기간 : 계약체결일로부터 2023.9.30.까지
❍ 계약방법 : 일반경쟁입찰(협상에 의한 계약)
❍ 선정방법 : 제안서 종합평가(기술평가 80점 + 가격평가 20점)
❍ 소요예산 : 220백만원(약 USD163천불, 환율에 따라 변동 가능 / 부가세포함)
❍ 행사개요
– 건 명 : 2023 K-Food Fair in New York 운영 용역
– 행사기간 : 2023.8.29(화) ~ 8.31(목) / 3일간
– 장 소 : 맨하탄 다운타운 매리어트호텔 3층(8 Albany St., New York, NY 10006)
– 참가규모 : 1,450sq.ft (약 50개 부스)

❍ Service Name: 2023 K-Food Fair in New York
❍ Contract Period: From the contract signing date to Sep. 30th, 2023
❍ Contract Method: Limited competitive bidding (contract by negotiation)
❍ Selection Method: Comprehensive evaluation of proposals (technical evaluation 80 scores + price evaluation 20 scores)
❍ Required Budget: Approximately USD 163,000 (KRW 220,000,000 (approximately) / Subject to the exchange rate)
❍ Event Summary
– Title: Operation Services for 2023 K-Food Fair in New York
– The period of event:  2023.8.29~8.31
– Place: Marriott Downtown New York 3rd Fl. (8 Albany St., New York, NY 10006)
– Participation scale: 1,450sq.ft (Approximately 50 booths)
❍ Content of service: Overall booth installation, business planning, directing, progress, event preparation, and etc.

1. 입찰공고문_K-Food-Fair

2. 제안요청서-및-과업지시서_K-Food-Fair

3. Bid-Notice_K-Food-Fair(eng)

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